Get Referrals to Run After You!
Demo Referrals*
This is the #1 program in the nation for spinal care referrals. Expand your referral base from lawyers, MD specialists, MD primary Care, urgent care centers and emergency rooms.
Program Description
Quick Start Program
In under 3 hours, you will learn how to secure attorney relationships
and start the referral process.
Get a Qualification
2. Hospital Qualified
3. Evaluation and Management Qualified
4. Expert Witness and Documentation Qualified
5. Primary Spine Care Qualified
6. Neuroradiology Mini-Fellowship MRI Spine

The #1 referral program in the nation.
- Dr. Mark Studin
View Dr. Studin's CV
Questions? Call Dr. Studin: 631.786.4253

Over 3,000 satisfied clients. Five-Star service and credentials.
Only $199/monthly for the Complete Course.
Unlimited Access • Unlimited Telephone Support
Stage 1 - Compliance Review
1. Compliance Review
Stage 2 - Quick Start
2. Quick Start: Supporting immediate relationships and documentation needs
"Our quick start program gets referrals working in under 3 hours."
Stage 3 - Documentations, Collections, Marketing & Business Strategy
3. Build Your Infrastructure
Our clinical practice consultation, business strategy, and advisory services are customized to you. This is the beginning of your step-by-step playbook that will last the rest of your career and is the foundation for your immediate & future success. Here we lay out our business strategy and customize it to your practice as needed. Here you get the practice tools required, and how to use them inclusive of how to get paid. This section also teaches you the future trends in practice.
6. Narratives, Initial Evaluations, and Re-Evaluation Made Easy
4. Basics of Getting Referral Sources to Run After You
Credentials, business systems, reputation building, and creating the “easy button” for all referral sources. This is where you start to piece together what lawyers, MD PCP’s, MD Specialists, Emergency Rooms, and Urgent Care Centers need to consider you as the first referral source for spine; and it is all based on your clinical excellence.
7. Meeting with Lawyers and MDs
5. Office Systems & Get Paid
8. Marketing
Stage 4 - Compliance, Diagnosing and Medical & Legal strategies
11. IME, Peer Review & Carrier Rebuttals
13. Compliance & Insurance Licensure Audits
10. Testifying
12. Clinical Information, Diagnosing, MRI
Plus access to Doctor’s Program Member’s Toolbox
14. Educational Library
Practice forms, privacy statements, templates (assignments, SOAP Notes, IME Rebuttals, consents, work restrictions, hospital requests, etc.) lawyer follow up letters, medical abbreviation glossary, coding guidelines. There are dozens of forms that are all included in your membership to download when needed.
15. Forms & Communication Templates
16. Audio-Video Library
Report of Findings, “Magic Language,” interviews with lawyers, front desk staff, IME rebuttals and getting paid, building MD relationships and the “Magic Language” for MD’s (both primary care, and specialists), patient triaging, credentials. There are dozens of topics that are all included in your membership to download when needed.

Outsourcing for Quick Practice Growth
17. Evaluations / Re-Evals & S.O.A.P. Notes Done for You
Have a documentation specialist do all your evaluation & SOAP notes for you and get them to you within 48 hours. This is the “BEST” solution for your in-office documentation needs and includes “oversight” to ensure you don’t miss the required items. It is the answer to the high cost, time-consuming process of documentation. This service is for members of the Academy of Chiropractic.
18. Narratives Done for You
Have a “narrative specialist” do your narratives for you. These documents have been certified by lawyers nationally as the “best in the industry” and this service utilized exclusively by our most successful practices. Have your narratives done for you in a timely fashion while you focus on patient care by someone experienced in the process with oversight to ensure you include all required elements. This service is for members of the Academy of Chiropractic.
19. IME, Peer Review, and Carrier Rebuttals Done for You
When you have been improperly denied necessary care you MUST rebut denials based upon the facts of the case that are often overlooked. You get a dedicated expert to take your documentation and craft a rebuttal designed to overturn improper denials. Have your rebuttals done for you in a timely fashion while you focus on patient care by someone who understands the “usual tactics” of defense doctors. This service is for members of the Academy of Chiropractic.
20. CV Creation and Management Done for You
CVs are the new business cards and are critical in creating medical-legal and collaborative relationships with MD PCPs and MD Specialists. Formatting and language matter greatly, and there are rules that must be followed. Our CV specialist did a Master's Thesis on CV formatting and will create and manage your CV for you. You should not manage your own CV, as the details make a huge difference. This service is for members of the Academy of Chiropractic.
21. MRI Colorizations Done for You
22. X-Ray Digitizations Done for you
23. Continuing Education Portal
Here you will find post-doctoral courses engineered to give you the credentials and knowledge to be a Primary Spine Care provider. This link opens you up to an entire Online University where you can track your transcript and print your CE certificated and diplomas.