What is the Doctors Personal Injury Program?

 The "Doctors Personal Injury Program" has been in existence since 1989 and has been successful in 44 states and 2 United States territories. Over the last 7 years we have been instrumental in positioning doctors to get over 100,000 referrals from the legal community to chiropractor's offices with the philosophy of never asking for the referral. In order to best describe describe exactly what the program is, I am going to refer back to grade school and answer the 5 W's: Who, What, Where, When and Why. 

WHO: This has 2 components; who we are and who can we help.

Who are we?

We are a team of 3 doctors (see "About Us" on the home page for our CV's) who have 84 years of combines experience (as of 2013). Dr. Studin is the lead doctor in this program in his 34th year of practice, however all 3 doctors are highly credentialed with post-doctoral degrees, certifications and academic appointments in both chiropractic and medical academia. Each doctor has run high volume successful private practices in both a pure chiropractic model as well as multi-discipline models and reflect both subluxation and structural correction principles of practice. The entire team has been published extensively and focuses on evidenced based proof of the chiropractic model, compliance and bridging the gap between pure subluxation and structural based practitioners to help advance the chiropractic profession.

We also realize that the chiropractic community has many choices in working with consultants and here is the caveat; too many consultants live on the "bleeding edge" of recommendations with very limited experience. Some of those consultants offer "pathways to riches" by being the only one in the chiropractic-medical community to offer evidence of bodily injury as the foundation for referrals. What these "inexperienced" guru's do not realize, is there is a reason no one is going down those paths and at the end of the day, it could cost the unsuspecting doctor their reputation and possibly their business because when it get's turned upside down, the "guru" who has taken your money disappears and is not liable, you are. As a team, we answer to academic Deans, editors, peers and have a lifetime of experience to know better having fought the battles you either have or will experience, thereby safeguarding your reputation and finances for the balance of your careers. 

In making a decision of who's advice to follow, I urge you to read the consultant's curriculum Vitae, as it is a legal document and cannot be laced with "inflammatory rhetoric" to help guide your decision. Any practitioner in practice less than 15-20 years should stay in their practice and not give advice without the experience of realizing the long-term effect of that advice. 

Who do we consult? 

We have consulted and educated chiropractors that are both new graduates and those in practice 40+ years along with everyone in the middle. In addition to our academic appointments, we have/are consulted and educated medical specialists (neurologists, neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, anesthesiologists, physiatrists, etc.), bar associations, trial lawyer associations, insurance companies, hospitals, professional schools, plaintiff lawyers and defense lawyers giving us unique insight to the industry and what is currently happening in the marketplace.

You level of experience or practice success doesn't matter as the program has much to offer every doctor at every level. For the newer practitioner, it will all be new and a journey that will give you tools and insight that will take 20+ years to acquire. For the experienced doctor, we will teach you almost nothing new (that is my best sales pitch!), however we will re-package you significantly and help you to understand how to get the legal community to run after you. 

WHAT: What are going to learn?

There are 11 parts to the program. 1st, we will help you build an admissible infrastructure that is required for lawyers to be able to work with you. Without that infrastructure you are doomed to becoming a "1 and done" in your lawyer relationships. We will then work on building your CV's, narratives, office systems, communication with lawyers and how to both get meetings with lawyers and what to do when you are meeting with them to create that paradigm shift so they run after you. We will then focus on plaintiff IME's, testifying, IME and peer review rebuttals, marketing-marketing-marketing (after you have positioned yourself), clinical information and diagnosing and then compliance. In practice, we actually start with the last....Compliance.

The very first thing we do is have you send us all of your documents for a compliance review. If you have "holes" in your documentation, no matter how much business you get, eventually you will give it all back in an audit or lawsuit from the carriers. Our first goal is to ensure that does not happen and after our internal audit of your records, we will help you close very hole and become bullet-proof.  

You will also learn how to become a trauma trained specialist without giving up your practice philosophy or changing how you deliver chiropractic. 

WHERE: Where does this work and where do I have to go to learn this?

Where you live doesn't matter. We all deal with the same Allstate, State Farm, Geico, etc. I have heard it all, personal injury is different in my area. The lawyers and doctors are part of an "old boy system" and no one can break into it. All of the lawyers and the doctors are on the "take". Personal injury in my region is horrible and that has been certified by local lawyers.  I have heard it all..and usually the exact same thing in every city, state and region in the nation. The bottom line is that you are not successful,...yet...in personal injury and not a real solution for the legal community. we are going to change that..or...you have a successful personal injury practice and we are going to support you going to the next level and beyond. 

Where you learn? This entire program is Web based. There are no seminars or courses you have to travel to. Save your hard earned money and stay home with your family. With today's technology it has become simplified and effective to learn from your office or home. 

WHEN: When should I start this program and when are changes coming in the medical-legal industry?

You should have started years ago to solidify your reputation as a trauma trained specialist, however today is the best time to begin creating that reputation. If you are a new practitioner, start now so you create the right reputation now.

As for changes, they are happening rapidly and you must be continually alerted to the changes you MUST make in your practice to stay relevant. There is a reasons referrals slow to halt and we often miss the signals and one day...and...no new patients without ever see it coming. We send you emails almost on a daily basis on the what's changing in the medical-legal-insurance industries and what you need to do to stay current. Although this program is month-to-month, our average doctor stays in the program for 6 years because they want to and we have earned their trust at a high level to keep them informed and continually the best option for the lawyer, MD or current patients to refer to.

The changes we see today are sweeping the nation and after these changes, there will be more as the insurers continually create new ways to make more money and prevent you from getting it.

WHY:   Ultimately, why is the Doctors PI Program so successful and Why choose the Doctors PI Program?

Why is the Doctors PI Program so successful

The is generic across every industry. Yes, some do very well with just the basics and are in the right place at the right time. However for the rest of us, it is through hard work and positioning. You win through your clinical excellence and resultant credentials to attain that excellence. We teach you how to position yourself in the legal-medical-insurance industries so that you are poised to win. The only reproducible and sustainable way to spiral upwards is clinical excellence.

Why choose the Doctors PI Program?

Simply, we are the best in the industry. Our materials and strategies are copied from every competitor in the industry and they survive by getting your attention for a brief time. However, we are in front of more lawyers that any individual or entity in the chiropractic profession to learn how to stay current and keep pace with the needs of the courts, which is the real arbiter for success in personal injury. Lastly, you get our team on a 24/7 basis to call, ask questions on any practice issue because we have the experience to handle EVERY question whether it be about personal injury, clinically based or having to do with the business of your practice. Simply put, you must pace your trust in successful experience. If a consultant tried to convince you to join them with copies of checks form insurance carriers saying "look what I got", that is the first "red flag" to run. Anyone can get a few big checks, but that doesn't make everyone qualified to help lead both you and the profession. Secondly, if a consultant offers "bleeding edge"{ research, read the research for limitations and financial interest from sponsoring entities before you accept the research as an accepted standard in the Medical-Chiropractic-healthcare communities. 

As we shared with you before, we cannot offer inflammatory or misleading research as we are scrutinized by the academic communities, editors and peers that we represent. More so, we wouldn't do that because oit is very bad for chiropractic and in the end, that is who we all serve.


