Academy of Chiropractic is the premier educational and marketing company for doctors of chiropractic and other professions.
There is no other entity that does what we do.
There is no other entity that does what we do.
Led by Mark Studin, DC, FASBE(C), DAAPM, DAAMLP and a team of highly credentialed experts, the Academy provides you with valuable training to help grow your practice by getting doctors and lawyers to run after you based on your clinical excellence.
The Academy of Chiropractic offers a free consultation to help you understand how to get refferers to run after you based upon your clinical excellence and current practice paradigms without changing your practice principles or techniques. The Academy has been successful in getting over 100,000 direct referrals to our doctors from lawyers, medical specialists and primary care medical doctors in 44 states for over a decade and welcomes discussing your practice to make you a part of our program.