Evidence Based Demonstrative Evidence

of Bodily Injuries from Trauma

117 Pages




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Preface. 3

Acknowledgments. 6

Soft Tissue Injury. 7

Soft Tissue Injuries: What are they and the Long-Term Impact of Bodily Injury. 8

Ligament Pathology as Sequella to Trauma Coupled with Alteration of Motion Segment Integrity (AOMSI) or Ligamentous Laxity. 13

Ligament Failure and Strain-Sprain Reported as Permanent in Whiplash. 15

One of the Most Important Diagnostic Test Results in Affecting Case Values in Soft Tissue Injury Cases. 18

Strain/Sprain is ONE Syndrome, Not Two Separate Pathologies, And Is Permanent. 22

Traumatic Ligament Laxity of the Spine and Associated Physical Impairment. 27

Motor Vehicle Collisions. 38

Low-Speed Collisions. 39

Conservation of Momentum: Where Does the Energy Go, Part 1. 39

Conservation of Momentum: Where does it go, Part II 43

Motor Vehicle Accidents: Little or No Damage Collisions & Demonstrable Verification of Energy Transferences to Cause Bodily Injury. 47

Low-Speed Crashes and Missed Vehicle Damage: Standards to Demand in a Vehicle Inspection. 50

Low-Speed Crash Does Not Mean LOW ENERGY. 54

Low-Speed Damages and Injuries. 62

Tires. 70

Tires: Pressure, Stopping Distance and Causality – Part I 70

Tires: Pressure, Stopping Distance and Causality – Part II 75

Tire Skid Marks & Causality. 77

Accident Reconstruction. 81

Crash Dynamics and Accident Reconstruction Q & A’s. 81

Accident Scenes & Police Reports. 85

Why are Accident Engineering Reports Incomplete And/ Or Misleading?. 88

Intervertebral Disc Injury. 92

Age Dating. 93

Age Dating Disc Injury: Herniations and Bulges. Causally Relating Traumatic Disc at Low Speeds. 93

Reporting in a Medical-Legal Environment: Causal Relation by Age Dating C4-C5 Herniated Disc in a Low-Speed Crash. 102

Causality. 105

Disc and Ligament Injuries: How Spinal Experts Document Causality. 106

Bulging Discs and Trauma: Causality and a Risk Factor. 113

Concussion. 123

Concussion: Diagnosis-Testing-Chiropractic. “New testing is Available Using Biomarkers.”. 124

Chiropractic Spine Care. 129

Chiropractic Primary Spine Care: A mandatory “future trend” for chiropractic success that has already begun. 130

Workers Compensation and Chiropractic: A Solution for Lowering Healthcare Costs for the Acute and Chronic Care Patient. 138

Ranges of Motion as a Utility for Outcome Assessments: Chiropractic Taking a Lead Role in Rendering Accurate Assessments for Spine. 151
